September 07, 2022 5 min read

21 ways of sustainable living for beginners

While the world is suffering from scrutiny, human impact, and whatnot, climate change is the biggest global issue that has come to light in recent decades. As we all know that living a sustainable life is more than essential, the matter is that many do not know what they can do to land a distinction, and they aren’t aware of the steps that need to be taken.


Having said that, the article highlights 21 ideas for sustainable living for beginners, which tend to cover the essentials of going green and alleviating your carbon footprint. Such a method clears the waste found at home, work, and on the road. Besides, integrating these ways can bring a change within the community, promoting an eco-friendly lifestyle. Remember, the world is changing, and we should be the first ones to do it. 

To begin with, what is sustainable living?

Sustainable living innovations are all about minimizing your carbon footprint on the face of the planet. Since the idea of such a lifestyle is new to all, its surge in recent years has only triggered mainstream platforms to raise awareness regularly. The movement encourages humans to stop using as many natural resources as possible, food or energy. Experts believe such a move would affect natural scarcity and protect the planet for upcoming generations. But, the question begs an answer - what exactly is sustainable living, what are the benefits of sustainable living, and how is it unique? 

Unlike other methods of being sustainable and eco-friendly, like taking shorter showers, and recycling, this lifestyle comprises changing daily habits that can directly affect the use of natural resources. 

“If it can’t be reused, reduced, rebuilt, repaired, refinished, refurbished, recycled, resold, or composted, it should be designed, restricted, or removed from production.”

- Pete Seeger

Simple measures, such as taking public transportation, becoming more eco-friendly, and reducing energy consumption, can go a very long way in alleviating environmental impact and making Earth a safe and clean place. Did you know what Wikipedia has to say about sustainable living? It’s a lifestyle that attempts to lessen a being’s or society’s utilization of natural and personal resources. Experts in the field of sustainable living are often inclined toward reducing the carbon footprint through reduced energy consumption and picking the proper diet. However, one must know that such a lifestyle aims to hold their life in various ways consistent with eco-friendliness and sustainability. 

In short, it’s pivotal to maintain a respectful and natural balance of humanity’s symbolic collaboration with mother nature and ecology. Meanwhile, here are some ultimate ideas to practice a sustainable lifestyle.

1. Become a member of community gardens

It isn’t about growing your food. Community garden members can help promote sustainable living in a specific area. Gardens produce green spaces. As a result, the garden waste can be returned and mulched to support healthy soil. Moreover, green spaces are not just essential, but they can play a considerable role in offsetting carbon emissions in urban areas. 

2. Practice minimalism

Minimalism does not mean living without most of it. This simply implies that you’re ensuring everything you possess and utilize is put to its maximum purpose. Moreover, with a minimalist lifestyle, you can recycle more, utilize less, and be more vigilant of the things you support. 

3. Change your house lights

By changing the lights from traditional bulbs to CFL and using natural light and skylights, you can substantially alleviate your demand for energy resources. Utilizing energy-efficient, longer-lasting light sources might also reduce the waste transferred to landfills.

4. Become more efficient with errands

Consider choosing more efficient ways to leave a significantly less carbon footprint. You can take a bike or walk to your nearby store instead of taking your vehicle. 

5. Start utilizing natural cleaners

Take a couple of hours to research homemade options for natural cleaners. Water and vinegar can clean several types of surfaces, while saponin is one of the natural laundry detergents.

6. Spend more time playing games and reading

Playing, singing, or reading does not need any energy. You can reduce the demand and drain on such elements by lessening your reliance on energy-driven entertainment forms.

7. Consider a more natural sleep cycle

Getting on natural sleep schedules simply means becoming attuned to the natural light during the day. 

8. Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle

Alleviate the need to purchase new products. If there’s less waste, there’s less to reuse or recycle. Moreover, keep a recycle bin and make more trips to the recycling platform than to the landfills.

9. Walk, carpool, or bike to work

The less use of your vehicle, the more the environment and you will benefit. Sustainable living promotes sustainability by decreasing pollution and natural resource consumption; biking or walking to work will also boost your health and alleviate the strain on public resources. 

10. Unplug your devices when not in use

Several electronic pieces of equipment keep on consuming electricity even when they’re off. So, plug or switch them off when not in use.

11. Buy a right-sized house

Practitioners of sustainable living tend to conduct their lives in several consistent ways with sustainability. With the right house size, you will buy less furniture and spend less on lighting and general furnishing.

12. Use daylight 

Sunlight is free and does not cost a buck. Utilizing sunlight can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

13. Stop unwanted mail - paper and electronic

Try to save natural resources by avoiding unwanted mailings. Several sites offer free solutions to opt out of coupons, catalogs, phone books, credit card offers, circulars, and many more. 

14. Practice a “zero energy balance” budget

A zero-energy budget implies that what you consume, you also return to them. This is the actual core of such a lifestyle.

15. Change your washing habits

Do not wash anything too much. Meanwhile, we must stop wasting tremendous amounts of water while washing dishes, doing laundry, and bathing. 

16. Choose renewable energy

Selecting renewable energy instead of fossil fuels is an ideal way to stop climate change and perform your part. As a result, consider installing solar panels to solar heat your water.

17. Buy products with less packaging

When you go out shopping, buy products with less packaging. More packaging contaminates the environment and poses serious health issues to animals and humans.

18. Ditch the plastic

Remember, plastic never goes away. It takes thousands of years for plastic to decompose entirely. So, ditch the cult and adhere to a plastic-free future.

19. Skip single-use items

Single-use items, such as toilet paper, plastic straws, plastic grocery bags, paper towels, and plastic cutlery, are a significant curse on our environment.

20. Replace disposables

Identify disposable items that are relatively possible to replace with reusable items. The list comprises towels, razors, shopping bags, plates, cups, food storage, and many more.

21. Carry your reusable shopping bags

Always carry your reusable shopping bags while visiting a nearby store. It’s never a shame to carry something of your own.